TEALS on GitHub
We host several repositories of TEALS-related projects and curriculum for both the Intro to computer science course and the AP Computer Science A course. The TEALSK12 Github organization can be found at https://github.com/TEALSK12.
GitHub resources
- Intro to computer science curriculum
- Intro to computer science - second semester curriculum
- AP CS A curriculum
- Introduction to computer science
Materials for the introduction to computer science course.
- 2nd semester introduction to computer science.
A 2nd semester follow-up to the TEALS intro CS course.
- AP computer science A
Public materials for the TEALS AP computer science A public resources.
- TEALS remote wiki
A collection of notes for remote classrooms and their schools and volunteers.
- Space Battle Arena
A programming game where you must write Java code to autonomously control a space ship to accomplish specified objectives.
- TEALS Minecraft
Minecraft-modding project for AP computer science.
Public repositories
Our public repositories are no longer being maintained. Feel free to browse, clone, and fork. Here are our top public repositories:
Additional & associate repositories
There are other repos associated with the TEALS program that are under separate GitHub organizations or users: